Player Highlight - Michael Adeyi (BHM Edition)

Michael Adeyi Space United Highlight

Michael Adeyi

Space United - Los Angeles Member
Product Engineer at Relativity Space
BS in Chemical Engineering from Yale University

Place of Birth:
Geneva, Switzerland

How did you get into space:
I got into space during college. Growing up in Washington, DC, I went to the Air & Space Museum a lot, but space was not a passion for me. Soccer was. When I got to college, however, I was bouncing between various engineering teams before joining Yale’s CubeSat project. When I went to the cleanroom and held the CubeSat chassis for the first time, it was a lightbulb moment for me and I have dedicated myself to working on aerospace projects since then.

How did sports help you land in space:
Space United was a big factor in finding a role for myself at Relativity, actually. Being on a team with so many people working in the same industry gave me an incredible network of friends and industry peers that I tapped into while applying to various companies. I think that network helped get my foot further in the door in the world of aerospace.

Soccer Career/Background:
Varsity soccer in high school and now Yale Club Soccer captain.

Favorite Soccer Team:
Liverpool FC

What do you like best about Space United:
We bring the perfect level of seriousness to each game. We’re competitive each week and certainly play to win, but there is also an awareness that we show up each week to enjoy ourselves. I think that’s a really positive mindset.

Why do you think Earth needs Space Exploration:
Advancements in space trickle down to Earth. Oftentimes technology that we need for space exploration doesn’t appear to have an immediate use on Earth, and that use is then discovered a few years later. Additionally, the pace of technological innovation for space projects is much faster than that of a lot of non-space-related industries, so I think space exploration allows new technologies to take shape faster.

Any words of advice for young students wanting to get into space exploration:
My two biggest pieces of advice find people who share your passion and apply to fellowships. I am very grateful for Space United and the opportunities it has given me, but receiving the Matthew Isakowitz Fellowship in 2021 was another big factor in my career. The Isakowitz Fellowship, Patti Grace Smith Fellowship, Brooke Owens Fellowship, and Zed Factor Fellowships are all life-changing opportunities that any college student interested in space should look into.⠀


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