Joel Lim Joel Lim

5 Facts to Know About Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

Despite all of Jupiter's alluring features, the Great Red Spot is undoubtedly its most well-known feature.

The enormous gas giant's atmosphere is covered in beautiful bands of different colors of clouds. There are numerous little moons on it as well as a few huge moons that might contain life.

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Joel Lim Joel Lim

Why is Cultural Diversity Important?

Cultural diversity is simply the variety of cultures in society and the appreciation of the idea that there are a variety of cultures.

But, why is this important?

It’s important for a variety of reasons. Some are more obvious, to prevent discrimination, but some are not as obvious. For example, a culturally diverse team often performs better.

Let’s dig into why cultural diversity is important.

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Joel Lim Joel Lim

8 Weird Objects Sent into Space for Science

Space has long captivated humankind's interest. We've launched many weird items and creatures into space in our attempt to extend our understanding of the universe beyond Earth, including music, a disco ball, animals human remains, and a car, among other things.

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Joel Lim Joel Lim

Sun Spots: Everything You Need to Know

Sunspots are interesting phenomena that happen to our sun and many other stars. They are basically planet-sized spots in the sun that are caused by disturbances in the sun’s magnetic field, and later on, cause that spot to become cooler. This would make the sun look like it has a darker spot on it.

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Joel Lim Joel Lim

Solar Flares: What You Need to Know

Solar flares are huge explosions on the sun's surface that produce powerful blasts of electromagnetic radiation. The flare's classification is determined by the magnitude of the explosion.

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